Today I spent 16 hours designing two pages of a 32-page brochure. I wouldn’t say this is normal, but it’s not a first. If I had the energy, I’d be embarrassed or depressed, but who’s got the time? The life of a small business owner isn’t glamorous, and it isn’t always fun. So what drives me to keep doing this day after day, year after year? My good pal, Emily Leach, founder of the Texas Freelance Association, would say it’s because I’m “genetically unemployable.” I say it’s because I’m unable to wear a bra for more than five hours in a row. Either way, I’m going to get up in four hours to start this shit all over again. Because that’s what we do.
Read MoreI was recently asked if I reuse any of the objects in my Casa Weenie cartoons. The short answer is yes. Since I draw them using Adobe Illustrator, there’s no sense in reinventing the wheel every time I need a scene of Mr. Weenie and me on the couch with our laptops. With that in mind, here are a few Easter eggs for my regular readers: Vincent the one-eared garden cat: His ear occasionally switches sides. This started out as a mistake, but now I do it from time to time just for fun. The dogs’ proportions change from cartoon to cartoon. You can tell by looking at how tall they are in comparison to the furniture and our legs. This also started out as a mistake. Now I do it out of sheer laziness or in order to focus on the dogs if they have dialog. Mr. Weenie’s ears move around, and his hairline changes a lot. This is a hazard of copying characters from older cartoons. (Mr. Weenie has specifically requested more hair and less belly.) A few fun facts and tidbits: I’m trying to change all the apples on our laptops to pears, but sometimes I forget. The backgrounds of various rooms—especially the…
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