Worst Blogger Ever

As planning begins for the next Blogathon here in Austin, Texas, I’m struck by the fact that my blogging has been so inconsistent. That being the case, I have to ask myself why I’d want to hold another BlogathonATX (Video compliments of Amanda Quraishi). I’m beyond thinking I’ll actually use that time “catch up” on…

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Passion is for the Birds

The term “passion” is one of those trendy words that’s been rubbing me the wrong way lately. It’s now practically expected that we feel passion for our work. Really? So I’m supposed to feel ashamed if I don’t leap out of bed each morning before the sun like some twisted Disney character who sings of…

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Farming Newsflash!

In a shocking turn of events, things have started growing at Farmer Weenie’s homestead. Panicking, she heads to the bible of gardening, Wikipedia, to find out what to do next. All that does is confuse the Weenie even more, so she reaches out to her secret weapon in the great white north. Dear friend and…

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Old MacWeenie’s Farm: A Cautionary Tale

So I decided to become a farmer the other day. Never mind the fact that the closest I’ve come to farming is the science project I’ve got going on in my refrigerator. I have that dangerous combination of determination, passion and ignorance often found in trailblazers like myself (and borderline personalities). Determined to start this…

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RIP Walter T.

I began this post a few weeks ago, but it took a while for me to finish it. I guess I wasn’t ready. I’m still not. _______________________________ There are good days, there are bad days, and then there was today. This morning around 4:00 am, Wally the Poodle lay down on the floor next to…

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Congratulations Mrs. Haddad, It’s a Blogathon

Two nights before BlogathonATX, I had a dream that I was tied to a tower while hundreds of vultures circled around me. They seemed to think I was dead, so one landed nearby and started making its way toward me. I struggled to move so he’d know I wasn’t dead, but apparently I wasn’t just…

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