Tuesday’s Type Tip: Please don’t do this. Ever.
No offense to Lex Oto, but he might want to rethink that logo.
Read MoreSo many corn dogs, so little time…
So here I sit, waiting for people to show up to my event: #BloungeATX Bloggers’ Lounge. There are currently four of us here, and I have food to feed 50+. What the hell am I going to do with 100 chicken wings and 75 corn dog bites? Well, first I’m going to eat. A LOT.…
Read More5 Reasons Award Shows Give Me Anxiety
Last night Mr. Weenie worked behind the scenes at the Texas Film Hall of Fame Awards Show. He does it every year—designing the stage and doing the technical direction. I attended the first year but haven’t been back since. Here are some reasons why: 1. Awards shows make me nervous. I’m constantly cringing at how…
Read MoreBy the way, I’m a graphic designer.
Those of you who don’t know me might wonder what it is I actually do for a living since lately my blog has become a random batter of topics from gardening to procrastination, and my tweets consist mainly of what I’ve spilled on my desk that day. I thought I understood what my career was…
Read MoreTime to Get Off My Ass & Zip My Pants
The other day I wrote a short, disposable post about being the Worst Blogger Ever. Surprisingly, it received quite a bit of comment traffic from several inspiring friends, including @myerman, @momof5cuties, @JulieGomoll, @jenztweets, @slavetofashion, @NataliaSylv, @luannsaid (comic relief) and @midnightferret. Now, I’m not one for letting small rodent-like creatures (or Tom) define myself as a…
Read MoreUpdate: Still the Worst Blogger Ever
For those of you keeping track (and I know your numbers are impressive), this is my first post since #BlogathonATX occurred nearly a month ago. I have no excuse. I love to write, but everything else seems to fill in the hours, and I never find the time to do it. Once again I’m reminded…
Read MoreBad Boys Make Me Queasy
In case you haven’t heard, in addition to my graphic design business I have a little side gig called BlogathonATX. For reasons yet to be identified, last summer I decided that the best way for me to become more accountable for regularly blogging would be to produce a big event showcasing the fact that I’m…
Read MoreWTF Wednesday: Whistling Dixie
I’m thinking the south doesn’t really deserve to rise again. Make mine a double D.
Read MoreBirthday Math
So, I turned 43 last week. It’s kind of a double edged sword having a birthday so close to the holidays. On one hand, I never had to go to school on my big day, but there is a down side, and it’s called the “combination gift.” Now, it’s not that I don’t understand laziness…
Read MoreWhy Creativity Is Sometimes Full of Poo
In my recent post about why I’m the Worst Blogger Ever, I received sage advice from the always charming Tom Myer, as well as thought-provoking commentary from my friend and garden designer, Kirsten Bartel. Here’s a little of what Kirsten had to say in response to my ramblings: “It reminded me of a discussion we…
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