Definitely Not
Shameless self-promotion: Register here for BlogathonATX. Ticket sales end THIS Monday (9/21). You don’t want to miss this conference party!
Read MoreHow the Sausage is Made
I wasn’t trained as a illustrator and certainly had no intention of becoming a cartoonist, but sometimes things happen and you find yourself alone in the dark trying to draw a poodle in a bee costume. I’m often asked if my cartoons are hand drawn. Since my hand has evolved into a mutant gripper claw, capable only of wrapping itself around a computer mouse or coffee cup, I am forced to create my cartoons…
Read MoreRSVP Or Else
Mr. Weenie’s skill for holding grudges outweighs his distaste for birthday parties.
Read MoreDon’t Mind Me
I honestly never found out why he had the dog dish in his backpack, and now I’m afraid to ask.
Read MoreWe Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Badges
Not So Clean Ilene
Harry is Five!
Harry turned five today, and he got his favorite cake.
Read MoreThis Ain’t No Laughing Matter
Most folks forget there was a time when the state of Texas wasn’t such a punchline, but lately a cowgirl can’t cross the road without stepping in a political cow patty. Lowlights of the past few years include the cop who violently broke up a suspicious swimming ring and that city manager in Austin who hired a trainer to school staff…
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