WTF Wednesday: Does your toilet have a bad attitude?
Welcome to this week’s edition of “WTF Wednesday,” where we dissect and discuss the higher art of signage design.
Sometimes a hand-drawn message is the best option for temporary signage. In this case, the designer has elegantly captured the drama of the moment:
It takes great skill to create beautiful bilingual signage. The challenge is to make a pleasing design that doesn’t send mixed messages. Nothing gets lost in translation in the sign below, which is an excellent example of minimalist design combined with clarity of message:

Hey Mr. Panda, no matter how much that drunk lady panda in tight jeans and a thong leads you on, no means no. (From the Chengdu Panda Reserve and Breeding Center, Chengdu China. Photo by ellenmc.)
The combination of signs below creates clear directions for what could potentially become a very confusing situation. Fortunately in this case, crisis has been avoided thanks to good, solid graphic design:

Talk about your niche market: Excellent signage directing environmentally conscious grannies wanting to trade up for newer, more fuel-efficient models. (Photo by Tony Worrall Foto)
As we draw to the close of this week’s edition, I’d like to remind you to keep your eyes open for more examples of signs that make you say, “WTF??” Now get out there and make things pretty.